
$200 per site

(consists of 20-22 units per site)

These neuromuscular blocking agents relaxes wrinkles caused by furrowing or over muscle activation. Usually begins working 3-5 days after injection. Touch ups are available if needed within 10-12 days. Touch up services expire after day 14.

Injection sites lasting three months include:

  • Glabella (scowl line)

  • Forehead

  • Both crows feet


Hyaluronic Volume Face Fillers

Buy two receive $100 discount


Adds volume to mid-face and folds. Lasts up to two years.

$600.00 per syringe


1.5 cc adding volume to hands and cheeks. Lasts up to two years.

$600.00 per syringe

Restylane Lyft

A mid-face filler adding volume. Lasts up to two years.

$600.00 per syringe


A thin filler for cupid bows and tear troughs. Last up to nine months.

$400.00 per syringe


Improves the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin. Typically takes two vials and may take up to two treatments, 4-6 weeks apart. The dissolving of fat is a permanent treatment.

$600.00 per vial


A Poly-L-lactic Acid crystal injected into the dermis to stimulate your own collagen formation to increase overall volume and tissue.

$700.00 per vial


Holistic Wellness

Mino-Mix Multi-B Shot

$25.00 per shot

Improves metabolism, liver detoxing and helps jump start weight loss.

B12 Shots

$20.00 per shot

Improves metabolism and helps with energy and nerve conduction.

 Schedule a Consultation